Substantive nenumarabile in engleza

Tradu in limba engleza:


1. Au cheltuit multi bani cand s-au dus in vacanta peste hotare. Nu si-au putut crede ochilor cand i-au numarat.

2. Intotdeauna imi da cele mai bune sfaturi. Ele se refera la toate aspectele afacerii mele.

3. Sunt foarte rari oamenii cu multe cunostinte.

4. “Ti-ai facut temele pentru azi?” “Desigur, dar n-am avut multe.”

5. “Cate dovezi are politia?” “Au doar una.”

6. Nu pot sa cred ca ai mancat toate cele trei ciocolate!

7. Deja cumparase toate echipamentele inainte sa declare faliment.

8. De cand fiica mea a inceput scoala, a facut multe progrese.

9. E imposibil sa gasim un taxi cu cele 50 de bagaje ale noastre.

10. Ati putea sa-mi dati doua informatii, va rog?


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:





Derivati ai lui SOME ANY NO

Derivati ai lui SOME, ANY si NO

Alege varianta potrivita:

1.      He went to the party with some/ no/ any joy at all.

2.      “Have you seen my bag somewhere/ anywhere/ nowhere?” “No, I haven’t! Anywhere/ Somewhere/ Nowhere!”

3.      Nobody/ Anybody / Nowhere saw me when I came here.

4.      I’m so hungry that I could eat anything/ something / nothing.

5.      We’d also like to go somewhere/ nowhere/ someone and relax.

6.      Can I have any/ some/ no more cake, please?

7.      He doesn’t want to spend his time with anyone/ nobody/ no one, he’s too depressed.

8.      Have you ever been somewhere / anywhere / nowhere in Africa?

9.      No one / Somebody / Anyone has ever dared to do it!

10.  Something/ Somebody/ Somewhere strange must have happened here.

11.  They are so rich that they can go shopping anywhere/ somewhere/ nowhere in this world.

12.  On that occasion, my friend introduced me to anybody/ somebody/ anything that impressed me.

13.  Their little daughter did everything without someone/ no one/ anyone telling her what to do.

14.  Nobody/ Nothing/ Something interesting ever happens here.

15.  Could somebody/ anybody/ nobody do me a favour?

16.  He hardly does nothing/ something/ anything in the evenings.

Exercitii cu substantive la plural

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Copiii se plang de obicei cand au multe teme.
  2. Politia este peste tot si are multe echipamente.
  3. Luati cutitele si taiati rosiile alea in jumatati, va rog!
  4. Radiourile nu pot fi plasate pe piane.
  5. N-am inteles niciodata politica si fenomenele ei.
  6. Toata viata lui a vizitat bibliotecile si de aceea are asa de multe cunostinte.
  7. Am doua vesti pentru tine.
  8. Presupun ca vestile sunt bune!
  9. Fermierul are o suta de oi si doar patru boi.
  10. 10 Cate ciocolate ai mancat pana acum?

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip: