Verbe la infinitiv sau cu -ING

Tradu propozitiile folosind verbe la infinitiv sau cu terminatie “-ing”:

1. Imi amintesc ca am citit cartea asta acum ceva vreme.

2. V-ati oprit sa mancati acolo?

3. Regret ca i-am spus ca prietenul ei o insela.

4. Proiectul acela va insemna categoric sa ma trezesc extrem de devreme.

5. Am crezut ca terminase, dar a continuat sa se planga de aceleasi lucruri.

6. Reglementarile companiei interzic angajatilor sa bea alcool in timpul orelor de lucru, dar nu interzic sa bea dupa aceea.

7. Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu mananc o prajitura mare cu ciocolata.

8. Noi n-am sugerat sa petrecem timp intr-un local, a fost idea lor.

9. Continua sa exersezi si in final vei putea merge pe bicicleta!

10. Din fericire tocmai mi-am amintit sa-ti dau niste indicii ca sa rezolvi misterul.


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:


7 thoughts on “Verbe la infinitiv sau cu -ING”

  1. Buna Madalina,

    1.I remember reading this book a while ago.
    2.Did you stop to eat there?
    3.I regret telling her that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
    4.That project will definitely mean getting up extremely early.
    5.I thought he was finished/done , but he went on complaining about the same things.
    6.Company regulations forbid employees to drink alcohol during working hours, but do not forbid drinking afterwards.
    7.I couldn’t help eating a big chocolate cake.
    8.We didn’t suggest spending time in a pub/place,it was their idea.
    9.Keep (on) practicing and in the end /finally you’ll be able to ride a bike.
    10.Fortunately/luckily I just remembered to give you some clues to solve the mystery.



    • Buna Ramona,

      Super-felicitari!! Totul foarte bine pus! Foarte buna si corectia de la 5. Avem mai-mult-ca-perfect in romana, asta inseamna ca in engleza e Past Perfect.
      Si Prezent Perfect la ultima propozitie, avand in vedere ca nu avem un moment de referinta clar trecut.

  2. Buna Madalina,
    Revin cu o corectie..sper eu buna intrebarea 5 prea imi place cum suna..was finished/done
    Si atunci ar fi ..I thought he had finished…

    Astept ajutorul tau si explicatia ta ..
    Multumesc mult!


  3. 1.I remebered I reading this book some time ago.
    2. Did you stopp eating there ?
    3. I regret I told her that her boyfriend was cheating her.
    4.That project it will mean definitely getting up very early.
    5. I believed he had finished, but he went on complaining for those things.
    6. Company rules forbid employees to drink alcohol during working hours, but don t forbid them to drink after that.
    7. I couldn t abstain eating a big cake with chocolate.
    8.We didn t suggested to spend our time in a place, it was their idea.
    9. Keep on practicing and at the end you will ride on bicycle !
    10.Fortunately, I have just remembered to give you some clues to solve the mistery.

    • Felicitari pentru ca muncesti 🙂 E muuult mai bine sa faci greseli muncind decat sa nu incerci deloc. Din greseli inveti, ca sa nu mai vorbim ca retii mult mai bine, pe cand din lipsa de incercare nu va iesi niciodata nimic.

      Hai sa indreptam cate ceva pe ici-pe colo.

      1. Fara al doilea subiect (I). Este remember + V-ing (direct, fara subiect)
      2. to eat (cu sopul de a manca)
      3. e ok sa spui si asa, doar ca cerinta exercitiului era sa folosesti fie verb la infinitiv, fie verb cu terminatia “-ing”.
      4. nu mai avem nevoie de “it” pt ca avem deja subiect + “definitely” in fata lui “mean”
      7. I couldn’t help….
      8 “suggest” nu e urmat de verb la infinitiv, ci de V-ing

  4. 1.I remember reading this book few time ago.
    2.Did you stop to eat there?
    3.I regret telling that her boyfriend was cheating her.
    4.That project will definitely mean waking up extremely early.
    5.I believed he had finished, but he went on complaining about the same things.
    6.Company regulations forbid employees to drink alcohol during working hours, but not forbid drinking afterwards.
    7.I couldn’t help eating a big chocolate cake.
    8.We didn’t suggested spending time in a pub, it was their idea.
    9.Go on practicing and in the end you will be able riding a bike!
    10.Fortunately I have just remembered to give you some clues to solve the mistery.

    • Felicitari, Alina, verbele sunt puse foarte bine, cu o singura exceptie, la 9.

      Altfel, sunt alte lucruri de corectat pe la gramatica:

      1…some time ago (few = putini – se foloseste cu substative numarabile)
      6…but THEY DO not….
      8. didn’t suggest (fara terminatii -ed la negativ si interogativ)
      9. to ride


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