Test 4

Test 4

1. You must congratulate yourself ______ the fact that you don’t depend ______ anyone when you go _______ trips that you are keen _________.

a). for / on / in / –

b). for / on / in / –

c). on / on / on / on

d). about / on / to / about


2. __________ we arrive ______________ we can have a rest.

a). the sooner / the more quickly

b). sooner / more quickly

c). the more soon / the more quickly

d). the sooner / the more quick


3. It was ________ for them to understand because they could ___________ follow the person who was speaking so ________.

a). hardly / hardly / fast

b). hard / hardly / fastly

c). hardly / hard / fast

d). hard / hardly / fast


4. The thief _______ to convince the investigator that he ________ anything wrong but the investigator _________ and he __________ a punishment anyway.

a). was trying / had done / thought / wouldn’t receive

b). was trying / hadn’t done / has been thinking / would receive

c). was trying / hadn’t done / thought / would receive

d). was trying / had done / thought / won’t receive


5. If it __________winter that time, we _____________the house and now we__________ our time in a modern living room.

a). hadn’t been / would have renovated / ’d spend

b). hadn’t been / would have renovated /’d be spending

c). weren’t / would renovate / ’d spend

d). hadn’t been / would have renovated / ’d have spent


6. I remember ________back her book and I also thought about _________some flowers for ___________ the opportunity _________ such a valuable book.

a). brought / buying / having / to read

b). bringing / buying / having / to read

c). to bring / buying / to have / to read

d). bringing / buying / to have / to read


7. The essay that _________to the team last week __________ very slowly because some research had to _________ previously.

a). gave / wrote / was done

b). was given / was writing / be done

c). was given / wrote / be done

d). was given / was being written / be done


8. They are going to come for a cake, _________?

a). aren’t they?

b). do they?

c). don’t they?

d). are they?


Vezi rezolvarea si explicatia in videoclip:



6 thoughts on “Test 4”

    • Carmen draga, te rog, nu te supara ca ai gresit 🙂 Mie-mi trebuie greselile voastre ca sa stiu ce am de explicat 🙂
      Iti multumesc ca lucrezi si postezi 🙂

      2 – schema de formare are si “the” in fata! The + comparativ +S + V, the + comparativ +S + V
      4 – la b) avem un Present Perfect care nu are ce cauta in combinatie cu toate celelalte timpuri la trecut 🙂
      5 – asa e, dar daca vrei sa-l oglindesti complet pe “now”, pui un timp continuu
      6 – ca sa fie “brought” mi-ar fi trebuit si un subiect inainte

    • Draga Liliana, ma gandesc cate o ora si poate chiar mai mult cand fac setul de 8 intrebari; si ma gandesc atat de mult, ca sa imi dau seama cu ce pot fi confundate unele lucruri. Uite ca mi-a iesit 🙂
      Iti multumesc ca lucrezi si ca mereu postezi rezolvarile tale 🙂

      4 – la b) avem un PRESENT Perfect care nu are ce cauta in combinatie cu toate celelalte timpuri la trecut
      5 – daca zice “now”, inseamna ca se refera la prezent, ori ‘d have spent e din conditionala de tip 3 care se refera la trecut, deci nu merge.
      6 – ca sa fie “brought” mi-ar fi trebuit si un subiect inainte si nu-i 🙂

    • Constat ca la setul asta v-am prins pe multi 🙂 Dar uite asa, din greseli, invatam 🙂 Felicitari pentru munca!

      2 – “soon” e adjectiv scurt, deci formeaza comparativul cu “-er” => sooner
      3 – “fastly” nu exista; e adevarat ca adverbele au terminatie “-ly”, doar ca sunt si niste exceptii, printre care “fast” al nostru
      5 – avem un “now” in ultima propozitie, la ultimul verb, deci ma refer la prezent, da? Ce conditionala se refera la prezent? Ca tipul 3 se refera la trecut 🙂
      6 – ca sa fie “brought” mi-ar fi trebuit si un subiect inainte,da?


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