Prepozitii de loc

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Ai vrea sa ai un birou vizavi de apartament?

2. Cainele vecinilor s-a ascuns in spatele casei noastre.

3. Intre a lucra fizic si a lucra online, ce ai alege?

4. Cladirea de birouri are vreun restaurant aproape de ea?

5. Pe langa faptul ca am fost intotdeauna langa el, mi-am sacrificat si tot timpul liber!

6. Barbatul, care se adapostise repede sub un copac, se uita la norii de de-asupra si la lacul de dedesubtul raului.

7. Duminica ne-am hotarat sa fim la rau impreuna cu ei. Nu voiam sa luam o barca pe apa pentru ca petrecusem mult timp in autocar si nu ne simteam chiar in regula.

8. “Locuiesti in apropiere de colegul tau?” “Da, locuim in acelasi bloc, unul langa altul.”

9. Toti invitatii de la nunta zambeau in poze.

10. Va intelegeti bine cu managerii din companie?

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:



10 thoughts on “Prepozitii de loc”

  1. 1.Would you like to have an office opposite the apartment ?
    2. The neighbor s dog hid behind our house.
    3. What would you choose between work physically and work online ?
    4.Does the office building has any restaurant near it ?
    5. Besides de fact I was always close to him, I sacrificied all my free time.
    6. The man, who had sheltered quickly under a tree, he was looking at the clouds above him and the lake below him.
    7. Sunday we decided to be at the river with they. We didn t want to take a boat on the river because we had spent much time in the bus and we didn t feel fine.
    8. Are you living close to your collegue? Yes, we have been living in the same block, side by side.
    9.All guests from the weading were smiling in the pictures.
    10.Do you understand well with the managers from company?

    • Bine, Sorin, felicitari pentru ca lucrezi de fiecare data!

      In general prepozitiile sunt corect alese, exceptand urmatoarele:

      7 ON the bus
      8. “next to each other” – side by side presupune o apropiere mai mult fizica, gen umar langa umar, mai mult asta este sensul, ceva mai intim, mai apropiat…
      9 – at the wedding (ei nu provin de acolo, ci sunt acolo, in acel loc)
      10. in the company (nu provin de acolo, ci sunt acolo in locul ala inchis)
      get on/along well with =a se intelege bine cu

      Sigur, mai sunt chestii de gramatica de indreptat, dar voi incerca sa explic in videoclipul de rezolvare alegerea gramaticala in propozitii si regulile care se aplica.

  2. 1. Would you want to have an office opposite the apartment?
    2. The neighbours dog has hiden behind our house.
    3. Between working physically and working online, what would you choose?
    4. Does the office building have any restaurant near it?
    5. Beside the fact that I was always close to him, I sacrificed all my free time, too.
    6. The man, who had sheltered quickly under a tree, looked at the clouds above and the lake below the hill.
    7. On Sunday we’ve decided to be at the river with them. We didn’t want to take a boat on the water because we had spent long time on the bus and didn’t feel all right.
    8. “Do you live close to your colleague?” “Yes, we live in the same block, next to each other.”
    9. All the guests at the wedding were smiling in the pictures.
    10. Do you get along well with the managers in the company?

    • Super, Liliana! Prepozitiile sunt alese corect si nu sunt multe greseli de gramatica.

      Ca prepozitii avem doar la 5. beside = langa (next to); besides = pe langa, in plus (in addition to)

      1. would you like = ai vrea / ti-ar placea
      5. mai degraba as pune Present Perfect pentru ca nu am nicio referire exacta la un timp trecut
      7. Past Simple pentru ca ma refer la ziua aceea precisa

  3. Buna, Madalina,

    1.Would you like to have an office opposite (the) apartment?
    2.The neighbors’ dog hid behind our house.
    3.Between office work and remote work ..what would you choose? or Between office working and online working …
    4.Does the office building have any restaurant near it?
    5.Beside the fact I have always been beside/next to him, I have also sacrificed my free/spare time.
    6.The man, who had quickly sheltered under a tree, he was looking at the clouds above (him) and (at)the lake below the river.
    7.On Sunday, we decided to be with them at the river.We didn’t want to take a boat on the water because we had spent a lot of time on the bus and we didn’t feel quite right.
    8.Do you live near /close to your colleague?Yes, we live in the same block, next to each other.
    9.All the guests at the wedding were smiling in pictures.
    10.Do you get along well with the managers in the company ?..


    Seara buna!

    • Pentru ca avem o schema de interogativ la Present Simple: do/does + Subiect + Verb (fara terminatii)… deci verb la infinitiv – have.


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