Test 7


(concordanta timpurilor)

1. The girl was having a bath because her feet ________ dirty.
a) are
b). were
c). will be

2. Even at that time everybody knew that washing hands ________ infectious diseases.
a). prevents
b). prevented
c). had prevented

3. She will call you when she ________ there.
a). will get
b). got
c). gets

4. His friend was just telling him she ___________ that moment.
a). is cooking
b). was cooking
c). cooked

5. He realized that somebody __________ all the cake.
a). is eating
b). has eaten
c). had eaten

6. The food was so great that they were sure it __________ in a few minutes.
a). would be eaten
b). will be eaten
c). would eat

7. Half an hour ago, he promised me he ____________ the book tomorrow.
a). would bring
b). will bring
c). brought

8. They are telling me they have no idea who __________ this system.
a). invented
b). invents
c). invent

9. Did you tell the child that the Earth ____________ around the Sun?
a). rotates
b). rotated
c). rotate

10. I’ll call you as soon as I _______ the results.

a). got

b). will have

c). have


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:



28 thoughts on “Test 7”

    • Bine, Sorin, e foarte ok, avem doar o problema, plus ca pe 10 nu l-ai mai facut.

      1 – avem Past la verbul din fata, deci situatia e legata tot de trecut, asa ca nu putem avea a).

    • Bine, Alecsandra! Doar ca pe 10 nu l-ai facut, plus precizarile de mai jos:

      3 – nu avem voie cu viitor in propozitia secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand?” Punem prezent
      7 – “tomorrow”, asta inseamna ca actiunea inca e de viitor, nu e vorba de un “viitor” care sa se fi consumat 🙂

    • Mircea, iti recomand sa vezi acest videoclip mai intai ca sa intelegi de ce mai multe raspunsuri nu sunt tocmai ok:
      2 – e vorba de o regula de igiena/biologie…,deci inca valabila
      3 – nu avem voie cu viitor in propozitia secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand?”
      5 – avem un Past Simple acolo, deci o actiune care nu mai are treaba cu prezentul; Present Perfect, adica ce ai pus tu, are si o legatura cu prezentul
      6 – este un viitor care face referire tot la ceva ce s-a dus, deci este un “viitor in trecut”
      7 – “tomorrow”, asta inseamna ca actiunea inca e de viitor, nu e vorba de un “viitor” care sa se fi consumat
      10 – nu avem voie cu viitor in propozitia secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand?”

  1. 1. The girl was having a bath because her feet were dirty.
    a) are
    b). were
    c). will be
    2. Even at that time everybody knew that washing hands prevented infection.
    a). prevents
    b). prevented
    c). had prevented
    3. She will call you when she will get there.
    a). will get
    b). got
    c). gets
    4. His friend was just telling him she was cooking that moment.
    a). is cooking
    b). was cooking
    c). cooked
    5. He realized that somebody had eaten all the cake.
    a). is eating
    b). has eaten
    c). had eaten
    6. The food was so great that they were sure it would be eaten in a few minutes.
    a). would be eaten
    b). will be eaten
    c). would eat
    7. Half an hour ago, he promised me he brought the book tomorrow.
    a). would bring
    b). will bring
    c). brought
    8. They are telling me they have no idea who invented this system.
    a). invented
    b). invents
    c). invent
    9. Did you tell the child that the Earth rotates around the Sun?
    a). rotates
    b). rotated
    c). rotate
    10. I’ll call you as soon as I will get the results.
    a). got
    b). will get
    c). get

    • E bine de jumatate, dar e foarte bine ca ai lucrat 🙂 Ia sa vedem de ce:
      2 – e vorba de o regula de igiena/biologie…,deci inca valabila… forever and now 🙂
      3 – nu avem voie cu viitor in propozitia secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand?”
      6 – este un viitor care face referire tot la ceva ce s-a dus, deci este un “viitor in trecut”
      7 – “tomorrow”, asta inseamna ca actiunea inca e de viitor, nu e vorba de un “viitor” care sa se fi consumat
      10 – e ca la 3, aceeasi explicatie

    • Liliana draga, una singura ai ratat, hai sa iti povestesc de ce:
      7 – “tomorrow”, asta inseamna ca actiunea inca e de viitor, nu e vorba de un “viitor” care sa se fi consumat
      It was a trap 🙂
      In rest…nu ma mir ca ai facut bine 🙂

    • E bine, Ionut, cu cateva exceptii:

      3 – nu avem voie cu viitor in propozitia secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand?” Punem prezent
      5 – avem un Past Simple acolo, deci o actiune care nu mai are treaba cu prezentul; Present Perfect, adica ce ai pus tu, are si o legatura cu prezentul
      6 – este un viitor care face referire tot la ceva ce s-a dus, deci este un “viitor in trecut”
      10 – la fel ca la 3, e aceeasi explicatie

    • Felicitari!!! Doar una singura nu e ok:

      2 – e vorba de o regula de igiena/biologie…,deci inca valabila in orice moment trecut / prezent…


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