Test 6

Test 6

  1. On the phone, he told his new team he______________ forward ____________them all.

a). is looking / to seeing

b). looked / to see

c). was looking / to seeing

d). was looking / to see


  1. If she had studied Computer Science, she _______     ______ money every month this year.

a). would have earned / many more

b). would earn / many more

c). would have earned / much more

d). would earn / much more


  1. Next week we  ___________ the trainees and we already ____________ the practical test for everybody.

a). meet / have scheduled

b). are meeting / have scheduled

c). are meeting / scheduled

d). have met / have scheduled


  1. He likes to travel and he has seen places like ____ Philippines, ____ Caribbean, ____Loch Ness, ____ Alps or ___ Mount Everest.

a). – / – / – / – / –

b). the / the / – / the / –

c). the / the / the / the / the

d). the / the / the / the / –


  1. I’m a stressful person, _____ I?

a). aren’t

b). don’t

c). am


  1. Cu cat devine mai puternic, cu atat poate cara mai multe bagaje grele.

a).  The stronger he becomes, the heavier luggage he can carry.

b). He becomes stronger and he can carry more heavy luggage.

c). He becomes stronger and he can carry heavier luggage.

d). The stronger he becomes, the more heavy luggage he can carry.


  1. We have ________that they’ve made _________.

a). evidences / many progresses

b). evidences / much progress

c). evidence / much progress

d). evidence / many progresses


  1. Now he’s used _________more vegetables, although he used _________more meat a few years ago.

a). to eating / to eat

b). to eat / to eat

c). to eat / to eating

d). to eating / to eating


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16 thoughts on “Test 6”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvari, Simona 🙂

      Chiar daca doar ultimele 3 sunt bune, nu e nicio problema 🙂 E o ocazie sa inveti, iar pentru asta te invit sa vezi videoclipul in care dau solutiile. Voi spune si ce reguli se aplica la fiecare.

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvari, Ariana:)

      La tine 3 si 6 sunt bune, dar nu e nicio problema, vei invata ce reguli se aplica la fiecare daca vei urmari videoclipul cu rezolvari.

    • E bine, Petra 🙂 Intrebarile au fost destul de dificile, avem 3 “victime”:

      2 – avem “this year”, este “this”, deci se refera la prezent, da? Tipul 3 pe care l-ai pus in propozitia principala (partea a doua) se refera la trecut 🙂
      4 – punem “the” la ape, dar cu exceptia lacurilor
      6 – “heavier luggage” se refera la bagaje mai grele, ori la noi comparativul e “mai multe bagaje grele”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvari, Grig 🙂
      E chiar bine, nu-s decat doua “victime”:

      2 – partea a doua a propozitiei (cea principala) avem “this year”, iar “this” se refera la prezent, da? Tipul 3 pe care l-ai pus in propozitia principala se refera la trecut
      8 – dupa “is used to” se pune V-ing, iar dupa “used to” (simplu, adica fara am/is/are inainte) se pune verb la infinitiv, deci nu are cum sa fie varianta c)

    • Apreciez efortul tau, Sorin!
      4, 6 si 7 sunt ok, dar o sa le intelegi si pe restul cand pun videoclipul cu rezolvarea. Exercitiile au fost destul de grele, dar nu-i nimic, asa evoluam 🙂

    • Super, Liliana, cele mai multe raspunsuri bune de pana acum!

      3 – nu avem un moment exact din trecut ca sa ne gandim la Past Simple
      4 – la numele de lacuri si varfuri muntoase (sau munti singuri) nu punem “the”


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