Exercitii cu diverse timpuri

Pune verbele din paranteze la Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous / Past Simple, apoi vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

1. My friends (move) house recently.

2. They already (buy) the furniture.

3. They (buy) it two weeks ago and they (carry) it since then.

4. A plumber (promise) to come yesterday, but he (not come).

5. My friends often (throw) parties because they (not like) silence.

6. This is why they (order) a big living room when they (talk) with the architect for the first time.

7. The point is that they (spend) a lot of money with the house so far.

8. Every week they (spend) more than 1000 dollars.

9. Every day, they (work) a lot, too.

10. So far, they (do) the cleaning, but they (forget) about the windows.

11. Today they (need) to buy a ladder for that.

12. What they (do) tomorrow?



2 thoughts on “Exercitii cu diverse timpuri”

  1. Buna seara, am fost tentata sa folisesc present perfect simple la propozitia nr 6, cind am vazut expresia -pentru prima data-.
    La prop nr 10 , nu inteleg de ce forget nu era la past simple pentru ca era o actiune incheiata.
    Iar la prop nr 11- de ce nu folosim present perfect pentru ca exista – today- la inceput?!
    Multumesc , foarte utile propozitiile si informatiile /explicatiile de gramatica pentru mine.De fiecare data astept cu netabdare postarile dvs.
    O seara , buna.Alina

    • Buna Alina,
      Nu prea poti folosi Present Perfect daca ai ceva de genul “prima data am facut nu-stiu-ce…” – e vorba de acel moment exact, primul moment, care e logic incheiat.
      10 – Ambele actiuni sunt trecute si incheiate, doar ca avem “pana acum (so far)”, ceea ce nu ma incadreaza intr-o perioada exacta trecuta si incheiata ca sa pun Past Simple. “forget” e si el la Present Perfect Simple la fel cu “clean”, e acelasi context.
      11 – dupa cum “nu tot ce zboara se mananca”, nici tot ce e “today” nu e tot timpul cu Present Perfect! E cu Present Perfect daca traducem cu trecutul din romana. Daca traducem cu prezent, este Present Continuous…. sau Present Simple daca nu ma lasa verbul la un timp continuu!

      Si eu iti multumesc ca ma urmaresti.


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