Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

1. Daca n-am avea asa de multe lucruri de facut, nu am fi asa stresati.

2. Nu l-ar durea spatele acum daca n-ar fi carat cutiile acelea grele.

3. S-ar fi putut sa stau in ploaie mult timp daca nu m-ai fi vazut asteptand acolo.

4. Daca n-ar fi pandemia, am putea merge oriunde ne-ar placea.

5. Daca n-o sa am timp, n-o sa fac curat.

6. Ma intreb ce s-ar fi intamplat daca n-as fi invatat asa de mult.

7. Daca se intampla sa-l vezi, aminteste-i despre cartea mea!

8. Ti-as fi putut spune vestea daca as fi fost sigura ca e adevarata.

9. Daca n-ar fi fost internetul, nu am fi fost asa de aproape de oameni si nu am fi stiut asa de multe lucruri.

10. Ar fi trebuit sa avem grija de sanatatea noastra daca am fi vrut un sistem imunitar sanatos.


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:





10 thoughts on “Exercitii CONDITIONALE”

  1. Buna Madalina,

    1.If we didn’t have so many things to do , we wouldn’t be so stressed.
    2.His back wouldn’t hurt now , if he hadn’t carried those heavy boxes.
    3.I might have stayed in the rain for a long time if you hadn’t seen me waiting there..
    sau este in regula si cu ĂĽnless you hadn’t seen me waiting there…????
    4.If it weren’t the pandemic , we could go anywhere we like.
    5.If I don’t have time , I won’t clean up.
    6.I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t learned so much.
    7.If it happen to see him, remind him of my book!
    8.I could have told you the news if I had been sure that it was true.
    9.If it hadn’t been the internet, we wouldn’t have been so close to people and we wouldn’t have known so many things.
    10.We should have taken care of our health if we had wanted a healthy immune system.

    Multumesc mult pentru tot ce faci!

    Sanatate spor si multe bucurii!


    • Buna Ramona,
      Felicitari pentru ca ai muncit si felicitari pentru ca propozitiile sunt chiar traduse bine din punctul de vedere al respectarii regulilor din conditionale! Doar 2-3 chestii ar mai fi de indreptat, care nu tin de regulile de la conditionale.
      Multumesc si eu pentru urari 🙂

  2. 1.If we didn’t have so much to do we wouldn’t be so stressed.
    2.He wouldn’t have a backache now if he hadn’t carried those heavy boxes.
    3.I might have been in the rain for a long time if you hadn’t seen me waiting there.
    4.If the pandemic weren’t we could go wherever we liked.
    5.If I don’t have time, I won’t clean up.
    6. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t learned so much.
    7.I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t learned so much.
    8.I could have told you the news if I had been sure it was true
    9. .If the internet hadn’t been , we wouldn’t have been so close to people and we wouldn’t have known so many things.
    10. We should have taken care of our health if we wanted a heathy imunne system

    • Foarte bine, Alina, ca de obicei te spetesti pe-aici prin exercitii 🙂

      4. if it weren’t for the pandemic/but for the pandemic
      7 – nu e chiar asta, e 6
      8 apreciez “was”-ul 🙂
      9 buna corectura
      10 e tipul 3 peste tot, nu doar in principala

  3. 1. If we didn t have so many things to do, we wouldn t be so stressed.
    2. His back wouldn t heart, if he didn t carry those heavy boxes
    3. I might have stayed in the rain much time, if you had seen me waiting for there.
    4. If it weren t epidemy, we could go wherever we liked it.
    5. If I won t have time, I wouldn t clean.
    6. I wonder what would have happened, if I hadn t learned so much.
    7. If you should see him, remember him about my book.
    8. I could have told you the news, if i had been sure that it s true.
    9. If it hadn t been the internet, we wouldn t have been so close to people and we wouldn t have known so many things.
    10. We have should have taken care of our health, if we had wanted to healthy imunne system.

    • Foarte bine, Sorin! Felicitari pentru munca!

      Cateva precizari ce tin de reguli:
      2. Spatele nu l-ar durea ACUM daca n-ar fi carat ATUNCI (in trecut adica) => este o conditionala mixta, unde in partea adoua avem regula de la tipul 3
      (heart=inima; hurt = a durea/rani)
      4. in “if” nu punem viitor, punem prezent, iar in principala punem exact ce timp avem in romana (If I don’t have time, I won’t clean.)
      10 fara primul “have”

      Mai sunt unele chestii de discutat, dar care nu tin de regulile de la conditionale. Sunt greseli care pe mine ma ajuta sa va explic si alte lucruri atunci cand explic rezolvarea exercitiilor propuse.

  4. Corectii
    7. If you should happen to meet him, remind him of my book.
    9. But for the internet….
    4. If there weren’t the pandemic….

  5. 1.If we didn’t have so many things to do, we wouldn’t be so stressed.
    2.His back wouldn’t hurt now, if he hadn’t carried those heavy boxes.
    3.I might have stayed in the rain for a long time, if you hadn’t seen me waiting there.
    4.If it weren’t for the pandemic, we could go anywhere we like.
    5.If I don’t have time, I won’t clean up.
    6.I wonder what would have happened, if I hadn’t learned so much.
    7.If you happen to see him, please,remind him about my book!
    8.I could have told you the news, if I had been sure that it was true.
    9.If there hadn’t been the Internet, we wouldn’t have been so close to people and we wouldn’t have known so many things.
    10.We ought to have taken care of our health, if we had wanted a healthy immune system. (consider ca este o datorie morala)

    • Felicitari, Valeriu! E foarte bine la reguli!

      9 – if it hadn’t been for the internet….
      10 ok…datorie morala sa fie 🙂 Vorbitorul transmite ce doreste el 🙂


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