Diateza pasiva

Transforma urmatoarele propozitii aflate la diateza activa in propozitii la diateza pasiva:

Ex.: The mechanic war repairing the car. => The car was being repaired by the mechanic.

  1. A dog has bitten him.
  2. They had broken the mirror a few days before.
  3. Somebody stole his gold watch.
  4. They usually assemble cars by using robots.
  5. His father damaged the TV yesterday.
  6. My mother is making a cake.
  7. My friend came when they were broadcasting the news.
  8. The authorities are building a new street these days.
  9. They must build a new street anyway.
  10. My brother has just installed a new programme for me.
  11. The party gave up the search; they couldn’t find the missing person.
  12. He was moving the furniture when I called him.
  13. I’ll mend my dress; I tore it.
  14. She is going to write the composition.
  15. He said people would move his car away.
  16. A specialist will be repairing his computer at this time tomorrow.
  17. She will have finished the cleaning of the room by then.
  18. We can offer them some free tickets.
  19. You should change your bed sheets!
  20. Our partner may send a letter of complaint.
  21. They told him about the competition.

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21 thoughts on “Diateza pasiva”

  1. 1.He has been bitten by a dog.
    2.The mirror had been broken a few days before by them.
    3.His gold watch was stole.
    4.Cars are usually assembled by using robots.
    5.The TV were damaged yesterday by his father.
    6.A cake is being made be my mother.
    7.The news were being broadcasted when my friend came.
    8.A new street is being built these days by the authorities.
    9.A new street must be built anyway by them.
    10.A new programme has just been installed for me by my brother.
    11.The search was given up.The missing person couldn’t be find.
    12.The furniture were being moved when he were called by me.
    13.The dress will be mended by me. It is tored.
    14.The composition is going to be written by them.
    15.He said his car would be moved away by people.
    16.The computer will be being repared at this time tomorrow by a specialist..
    17.The room will have been cleaned by then.
    18.Some free tickets can be offered by us.
    19.Your bed sheetsshould be changed.
    20.A letter of complaint may be sent by our partner.
    21.Information about the competition was told him by them. (nu stiu daca aveam dreptul sa mai adaug ceva la 21, dar altfel nu imi imaginez cum as putea sa transform).

    • In general le-ai facut bine. De altfel diateza pasiva nu pune probleme atunci cand avem propozitii simpliste asa cum au fost cele de mai sus.

      Ideea este urmatoarea: nu e cazul sa mai pui “by…” atunci cand ai doar un pronume.
      De ex. la propozitia 2 nu mai era cazul sa mai pui “by them”. Ca sa nu mai vorbim ca din cauza ca te-ai incapatanat sa pui “by…” peste tot, ai deranjat 🙂 ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie. (ok, asta va face subiectul unei alte discutii).

      Daca ai un substantiv (propriu sau comun), atunci poti pune “by…”. La propozitia 1. e chiar in regula, chiar trebuie pus.

      2.The mirror had been broken a few days before by them.

      3.His gold watch was stole. stolen.
      (verbul trebuie sa stea la forma a treia)

      5.The TV were was damaged yesterday by his father.

      6.A cake is being made be by my mother.
      (neatentia 🙂 )

      7.The news were was being broadcasted when my friend came.
      “news” este substantiv NEnumarabil si atunci se acorda cu verbul la singular.

      9.A new street must be built anyway by them.

      11.The search was given up.The missing person couldn’t be find found.
      (verbul la forma a treia).

      12.The furniture were was being moved when he were was called by me.
      (“furniture” este verb NEnumarabil, deci trebuie verb la singular; in rest cred ca e evident ca trebuie acordat – he was…)

      13.The dress will be mended by me. It is tored. torn
      (verbul la forma a treia)

      14.The composition is going to be written by them.

      16.The computer will be being repaired [at this time tomorrow by a specialist]
      Ultimul in propozitie trebuie sa stea complementul de timp!
      => The computer will be being repaired by a specialist at this time tomorrow.

      18.Some free tickets can be offered by us.

      21.Information about the competition was told him by them. -> e o exprimare nefireasca
      He was told about the competition. = Lui i s-a spus (povestit) despre competitie.

      Nu trebuie aplicate mecanic schemele, ci trebuie sa ne gandim care ar fi exprimarea cea mai fireasca. Limba romana si limba engleza sunt limbi foarte diferite, insa de multe ori ceea ce e de bun simt sa spui in romana, la fel va fi si in engleza. Iar asta cel mai mult se aplica la vorbirea indirecta, vei vedea.

      Nu e total gresit sa pui by si pronume, insa de foarte multe ori apare ca o exprimare stangace.

      • Hai sa discutam un pic la propozitiile gen 21. Aici complementul indirect este cel care se pune pe post de subiect in propozitia de lapasiva.

        He gave her a beautiful ring.
        She was given a beautiful ring. (I s-a dat un inel frumos)

        We persuaded him to go on holiday. (L-am convins sa mearga in vacanta).
        He was persuaded to go on holiday. (A fost convins sa mearga in vacanta).

        I told them the whole story.
        They were told the whole story. (Li s-a spus intreaga poveste)


        • Puteți să mă ajutați să pun propoziția următoare la diateza pasivă ? ”People say you are a nice person.” Mulțumesc muult!

          • You are said to be a nice person.

            Nu se poate traduce cuvant cu cuvant in romana, insa se construieste dupa schema:
            Subiect + (to be conjugat la timpul potrivit” + said to be + Complement direct.

            My grandmother was said to be a very beautiful woman.

  2. 1. He has been bitten by a dog.
    2. The mirror had been broken a few days before
    3. His gold watch was stolen
    4. Cars are usually assembled by using robots
    5. The TV was damaged yesterday by his father
    6. A cake is being made by my mother
    7. The news was being broadcasted when my friend came.
    8. A new street is being built these dayns by the authorities
    9. A new street must be built anyway
    10. A new programme has just been insteled for me by my brother
    11. The search was gaven up . The missing person couldn’t be found
    12. The furniture was being moved when i called him
    13. My dress will be mend by me.It is torn
    14.The composition is going to be written

    • The lesson has been being written for an hour.
      Asta e doar teoretic, pt. ca in practica diateza pasiva pentru Present Perf. Continuous nu se prea foloseste.

  3. trecere la diateza pasiva:
    The teacher asked me a dificult question.
    1. A difficult question was asked TO me (by the teacher)
    (intrebare: se pune sau nu, particula TO?)
    2. I was asked a difficult question (by the teacher).

    Va multumesc anticipat!!!!
    Cu respect,

  4. Puteti sa ma ajutati sa pun prop.urmatoare la pasiv??*: 1. miriam is worried that they won’t give her second change

    2. Pastsy won a competition . They gave her a book as a prize

    • 1. I forgot to return my library book as I have been sent a warning.
      2. We have just been told that there is a test next week.

      Ai grija ca ai scris aiurea. La a doua propozitie trebuie sa fie un Present Perfect acolo.

    • Exact ce inseamna si in romana – actiunea se rasfrange asupra subiectului.
      Ex: Tu faci tema. (diateza activa) => You are doing your homework.
      Tema este facuta (de tine) (diateza pasiva) => The homework is being done by you.


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