Exercitii cu fraze conditionale

Tradu in limba engleza:


1. Daca n-ar fi toamna tarzie, copiii ar alerga fericiti prin parcuri.

2. Daca te vei duce la munte, unde vei sta?

3. Ar putea citi orice carti ar vrea daca ar fi invatat engleza.

4. Daca se intampla sa vezi cartea asta intr-o librarie, ai putea sa mi-o cumperi, te rog?

5. S-ar putea sa venim la o cafea daca am termina lucrul mai devreme.

6. Nu m-as intoarce in timp cand eram copil daca mi s-ar oferi oportunitatea.

7. Daca am fi avut tot timpul liber posibil ce-am fi facut cu el?

8. Daca n-ar fi fost acea intalnire, eu nu as fi cine sunt acum.

9. Daca nu s-ar fi inventat internetul, cum ne-am fi petrecut majoritatea timpului?

10. Ar trebuit sa ne imprietenim cu oameni care stiu mai multe decat noi daca am vrea sa avem conversatii interesante.


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:


12 thoughts on “Exercitii cu fraze conditionale”

  1. 1. If it weren’t for late autumn, children would run happily through the parks.
    2. If you go to the mountains, where will you stay?
    3. He could read any books he wanted if he had learned English.
    4. If you should happen to see this book in a bookstore, could you buy it for me, please?
    5. We might come for a coffee if we would finish work sooner.
    6. I wouldn’t go back in time when I was a child if it given me the opportunity.
    7. If we had had all the free time possible, what would we have done with it?
    8. If it weren’t for that meeting, I wouldn’t be who I am now.
    9. If the internet hadn’t been invented, how would we have spent most of our time?
    10. We should make friends with people who know more than we if we want to have interesting conversations.

    P.S. I missed you and I hope you are fine now, Madalina!

    • Congratulations for your work! You’ve done a great job!
      There’s a problem in 5, I’d say you should think about what you have after “if” 🙂
      6 – the tense after “if” is ok, but we have a passive voice there.
      10 – Past Simple after “if”; “we” can only be a subject, for “noi” as anything else than subject we use “us” (…people who know more than US…)

      Everything is ok now, thank you so much for keeping an eye on what I post 🙂

  2. 1. If it weren’t for late fall, kids would run happily through the parks.
    2. If you go to the mountains, where will you stay?
    3. He could read any books he wanted if he learned English.
    4. If you happen to see this book in a bookstore, could you buy it for me, please?
    5. We might come for a coffee if we finish work earlier.
    6. I wouldn’t go back in time when I was a child if given the opportunity.
    7. If we had all the free time possible, what would we have done with him?
    8. If it hadn’t been that meeting, I wouldn’t be who I am now.
    9. If the Internet had not been invented, how would we spend most of our time?
    10. We should make friends with people who know more than we do if we want to have interesting conversations.

    • Bine, Cristina, felicitari!
      Avem doar cateva precizari si lucruri la care sa fii un pic atenta. In rest ai tradus bine!
      3 … “daca ar fi invatat” se refera la trecut, deci punem Past Perfect
      7 acelasi lucru, “daca am fi avut”
      9 – ultima parte se refera la trecut, deci folosim regula din principala de la tipul 3 (care se refera la trecut)
      10… “daca am vrea” este un conditional-optativ prezent, deci avem “if we wanted…”

  3. 1. If there weren’t late autumn, the children would run happly in parks.
    2. If you go to the mountin, where will you stay?
    3. She could read any books, if she had studied English.
    4. If it happens to see this book in a bookstore, ccould you buy it for me please?
    5. We might come to a coffee, if we finished the work earlier.
    6. I wouldn’t go back in time when I were a child, if I was offered the opportunity.
    7. If we had all available time, what would we do?
    8. If there hadn’t been that meeting, I wouldn’t have been who I’m now.
    9. If the internet hadn’t been invented, how would have we spent our time?
    0. We should become friends with people who know more than us, if we wanted to have interesting conversations.

    • Felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat! E prima data cand postezi raspunsuri pe site, asa ca te felicit 🙂

      Hai sa lamurim cateva chestii:

      6 – …when I was
      7 “daca am fi avut… ce am fi facut” se refera la trecut, deci este o conditionala de tip 3 si nu 2, care s-ar fi tradus “daca am avea tot timpil disponibil, ce am face?”
      8 … nu as fi…, este o conditionala mixta, prima parte se refera la trecut a doua la prezent, deci respectam regulile de la conditionalele aferente.
      9 la interogativ se inverseaza subiectul cu primul auxiliar: …how would we have spent…?

  4. 1. If it weren t late autumn, children would run happy through the parks.
    2. If you go to the mountain, where would you stay ?
    3. He could read any books would want, if he had learned English.
    4. If you happen to see this book, could you buy it me , please ?
    5. We might come for coffee, if we finished work earlier.
    6. I wouldn t return in time when I was child, if I m offered the opportunity.
    7. If we have had all free time possible, what we have done with it ?
    8. If it weren t that meeting, I woudn t be what I am now.
    9. If it hadn t invented the internet, how would we have spent the most of time ?
    10. We should have become friends with people who know more than us , if we would want to have interesting conversations. (daca propozitia incepe cu ” ar fi
    trebuit”, asa am tradus-o, daca incepe cu ar trebui, atunci inceputul propozitiei ar fi: ” We should become……)

    • Bine, Sorin! Important este ca lucrezi, ce daca faci greseli 🙂 Din ele inveti!
      2 … “unde VOM STA”, deci e viitor
      3. lipseste un subiect in fata lui “would like (nu zicem would want) – …any books he would like
      7 – se refera la trecut, deci e conditionala tip 3. Niciodata nu avem Present Perfect la conditionale.
      8 – daca nu ar fi fost…se refera la trecut, deci in partea cu “if” punem Past Perfect
      9 – aici avem o diateza pasiva “daca internetul nu ar fi fost inventat “cu alte cuvinte
      10 – este “Ar trebui”, deci “we should + V”…apoi “daca am vrea” este tip 2 si punem Past Simple, nu avem “would” in “if”.

  5. Nu sunt asa avansat cu engleza, dar sunt pe aproape. Sincer, nu am stiut sa le rezolv. Multumesc pentru explicatii. Nu ma las de invatat, pt ca repetitia este mama tuturor invataturilor.

    • Asa sa faci 🙂 Si iti doresc succes! Pana acum am cuprins cam toata gramatica – vezi in bara de sus a site-ului la timpuri verbale si teorie si explicatii. Timp sa ai si… motivatie 🙂


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