Pronume interogative

Pronume interogative in limba engleza











3 thoughts on “Pronume interogative”

  1. Foarte bun filmuletul, totusi ar mai trebuie ceva ca sa fie complet si anume Cum transformam o propozitie interogativ-activa intr-o propozitie interogativa la diateza pasiva. de ex.: Who wrote the book? cum ar trebui formulata la pasiva? S-ar putea cateva explicatii?

    • Se transforma dupa shema de interogativ a timpului pasiv. Practic tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa inversezi subiectul cu auxiliarul timpului respectiv. Dar asta tine de diateza pasiva, nu de cuvinte interogative. La diateza pasiva poti intreba doar “de catre cine se face/s-a facut/ se va face o chestie”

      Deci la Present Simple: cuvant interogativ + is/are + S + V (III)?
      The book is written by John. => Who is the book written by? / By whom is the book written?
      Past Simple : cuvant interogativ + was/were + S + V(III)?
      Who was the book written by?
      Past Continuous: cuvant interogativ + was/were + S + being + V(III)?
      Who was the book being written by?
      Past Perfect Simple: cuvant interogativ + had + S + been + V(III)?
      Who had the book been written by?
      Present Perfect Simple: cuvant interogativ + have/has + S + been + V(III)?
      Who has the book been written by?
      Future SImple: cuvant interogativ + will + S + be + V (III)?
      Who will the book be written by?
      Going to Future: cuvant interogativ + is/are + S + going to be + V(III)
      Who is the book going to be written by?
      Future COntinuous: cuvant interogativ + will + S + be + being + V(III)
      Who will the book be being written by?
      Sau la toate in loc de “who….by?”, avem “By whom…?”, a doua varianta fiind mai formala.


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