Pronume personale

Tradu in limba engleza:


1. N-au sosit inca, dar am vorbit cu ei si sunt pe drum.

2. Inteleg ca nu ai vrut sa vii la petrecerea de ziua mea impreuna cu ea, desi te-a invitat sa i te alaturi.

3. N-am putut iesi pentru ca el ne-a spus ca intentiona sa vina sa ne ia undeva unde voia sa fie vazut cu noi.

4. Mi-ai spus explicatia, dar nu m-am putut concentra asupra ei deoarece conduceam, ploua si se facuse intuneric.

5. Ai vrea sa-ti aduc niste inghetata? Pot sa vin la tine in doua ore.

6. Spune-mi cine vorbea despre mine si ce vorbeau… s-au oprit cand m-au vazut.

7. Am  vorbit despre voi cu furnizorul si au fost de acord sa va faca o oferta, asa ca va pot trimite documentul pe mail acum, dar pot sa vin la voi doar maine.

8. Cei doi clienti ar vrea ca noi sa le trimitem niste mostre si ai fost cu mine cand le-am promis, dar amandoi am uitat.


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:




7 thoughts on “Pronume personale”

  1. 1. They haven t arrived yet, but I talked to them and they are on their way.
    2. I understand that you didn t want to come to my birthday party with her, although she invited you to join her.
    3. I couldn t go out because he told us that intend to come to take us somewhere where he wanted to be saw with us.
    4. You have told me the explanation, but I couldn t focus on it, because I was driving, it rained and it had done dark.
    5. Would you like to get you an ice cream ? Can I come to you in 2 hours ?
    6.Tell me who have talked about me and what they have talked about…they stopped when they have seen me.
    7. I have talked about you with supplier and they agreed to make you an offer, so I can send you the document on mail now, but I can come to you, only tomorrow.
    8. Those 2 customers would like us to send them some samples and you have been with me when we have promised them, but both of us have forgotten.

    • Foarte bine pronumele, Sorin, felicitari, tot corect!!

      La timpuri mai avem un pic de lucrat:

      3. …that he was going to come = ca intentiona sa vina (Future-in-the-Past cu “going to” 🙂 )
      …to be seen = sa fie vazut (asta tine de diateza pasiva)
      4. You told (mai ales ca pe toate celelalte le-ai pus cu Past Simple) … it was raining ploua, imperfect => Past Continuous) and it had got dark (to get dark =a se intuneca, a se face intuneric)
      5. nu e chiar sensul exact… o sa vezi in video, iar a doua propozitie nu era intrebare.
      6. timpurile! sunt momente exacte din trecut …s-au oprit cand m-au vazut (adica in momentul ala)
      cine vorbea…vorbeau … => aici totul e la Past Continuous pentru ca avem imperfect in romana
      8…timpurile…”ai fost cu mine cand le-am promis” ai fost atunci, in momentul ala exact….=> Past Simple

  2. 1. They haven’t arrive yet, but I’ve talked to them and they are on theier way.
    2. I understand you didn’t want to come to my birthday party with her, even though she invited you to join her.
    3. We couldn’t go out because he told us he was going to come and take us somewhere where he wanted to be seen with us.
    4. You told my the explanation but I couldn’t focus on it because I was driving, it was raining and it was getting dark.
    5. Would you like me to get you some ice cream? I can come to you in two hours.
    6. Tell me who was talking about me and what they were talking about…..they stopped when they saw me.
    7. I talked about you to my supplier and they agreed to make you an offer, so I can email you the document now, but I can to come to you only tomorrow.
    8. The two customers would like us to send them some samples and you were with me when we promised them, but we both forgot.

      • Super, Liliana! Foarte bine, ca de obicei 🙂
        Pe langa corectiile tale foarte bune, hai sa mai zicem ceva la o propozitie:

        4. You told me…(my=meu)…it HAD GOT dark (se facuse = Past Perfect)

  3. Buna Mădălina!

    1.They haven’t arrived yet, but I’ve talked to them and they are on the way
    2.I understood that you didn’t want to come to my birthday party with her, although she invited you to join her.
    3.We couldn’t get out because he told us he was going to come and take us somewhere, where he wanted to be seen with us.
    4.You told me the explanation, but I couldn’t focus on it, because I was driving, it was raining and it had got dark.
    5.Would you like to bring you some ice cream ? I can come to you in two hours.
    6.Tell me who was talking about me , and what they were talking about ..they stopped when they saw me.
    7.I talked about you with the supplier and they agreed to make you an offer, so I can send you the document by email, but I can only come to you tomorrow.
    8.The two clients would like us to send them some samples, and you were with me when I promised them, but we both forgot.


    profit de aceasta ocazie sa iti urez Sarbatori binecuvantate cu multe bucurii si pace!


    • Buna Ramona,

      Foarte bine, ai avansat foarte mult la engleza, felicitari!
      Un singur pronume de adaugat:
      5. would you like ME to bring you… (altfel ar cam fi “ai vrea sa-ti aduci”)

      Iti multumesc mult pentru urari 🙂 Sa ai sarbatori pline cu tot ce-ti doresti!


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