
Cu ce timpuri din engleza traducem prezentul din romana – EXERCITII


Mananc => repetat => Present Simple

Mananc => NErepetat => Present Continuous

Mananc de x timp / de nu-stiu-cand => Present Perfect Continuous (daca permite verbul; daca nu, Present Perfect Simple)

Despre verbele care nu pot fi puse la un timp continuu AICI, de la minutul 10.08.

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Tocmai scriu un mail.

2. Intotdeauna scriu mailuri la lucru.

3. Scriu mailuri de cand am venit.

4. Discuta problema de peste o ora.

5. De obicei discuta probleme in sedinta.

6. Discuta o probema importanta astazi.

7. Toamna este aici de peste o saptamana.

8. Toamna este aici acum.

9. Toamna este aici in fiecare octombrie.

10. Managerii vostri nu sunt niciodata de acord unul cu altul?

11. Acum sunt de acord unul cu altul?

12. De cand timp sunt de acord?


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:




13 thoughts on “Prezent”

  1. 1. Tocmai scriu un mail.
    I am just writing an email.

    2. Intotdeauna scriu mailuri la lucru.
    I always write emails at work.

    3. Scriu mailuri de cand am venit.
    I have been writing emails since I came.

    4. Discuta problema de peste o ora.
    They have been discussing the issue for over an hour.

    5. De obicei discuta probleme in sedinta.
    They usually discuss issues in the meeting.

    6. Discuta o probema importanta astazi.
    They are discussing an important issue today.

    7. Toamna este aici de peste o saptamana.
    Autumn is here for more than a week.

    8. Toamna este aici acum.
    Autumns is here now.

    9. Toamna este aici in fiecare octombrie.
    Autumn is here in every October.

    10. Managerii vostri nu sunt niciodata de acord unul cu altul?
    Are your managers never agree one with each other?

    11. Acum sunt de acord unul cu altul?
    Are they now agree one with other?

    12. De cand timp sunt de acord?
    How long have they been agree?

    • Felicitari, Adelina, pentru traduceri! Toate timpurile sunt puse corect!
      Singura problema este la ultimele 3 propozitii: nu exista “to be agree” in engleza. Verbul este “to agree”.

  2. I always write emails at work.
    I have been writing emails since I came.
    He has been discussing the issue for over an hour.
    She usually discusses the issues in the meeting.
    He is discussing an important issue today.
    Fall is here for more than a week.
    Fall is here now.
    Falli is here every October.
    Your managers are they never agree one with each other?
    Are they now agree one with other?
    How long have they been agree?

    • Carmen, felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat si pentru ca ai inteles timpurile!

      Avem doar cateva corecturi:
      7 – este “de mai mult de o saptamana”, deci cautam un Present Perfect
      10, 11, 12 – nu exista “to be agree” in engleza. Verbul este “to agree”.

  3. 1.I m just writting an email.
    2. I always write emails at work.
    3.He has discussing the problem for over an hour.
    4. He usually discus problems in the meeting.
    6.He is discussing a important problem today
    7. The autumn has been here for over a week.
    8. The autumn is being here now.
    The autumn is here every october.
    10.Do your managers never agree with each other ?
    11.Now do they agree with each other ?
    12. How long have they agreed ?

  4. Am incurcat un pic borcanele… propozitia de la pct 3 am omis-o, iar numerotarea este gresita incepand de la pct.2, rectific la pct.3, imi cer scuze pentru erori.
    3.I have been writting emails since I came.

    • Nu-i bai, bine ca sunt aici niste propozitii la care te-ai gandit si te-ai straduit 🙂 Si chiar ti-a iesit, felicitari! Ai un singur timp aiurea:

      8 – “be” se poate folosi la continuu doar cand are sens de “a se comporta”, ceea ce nu e cazul aici.
      Bine ultimele trei!

  5. 1. I’m just writing an email.
    2. I always write emails at work.
    3. I’ve been writing emails since I came.
    4. They have been discussing the issue for over an hour.
    5. They usually discuss issues in the meeting.
    6. They are discussing an important issue today.
    7. Autumn is here for more than a week.
    8. Fall is here now.
    9. Fall is here every October.
    10. Do your managers never agree with each other?
    11. Do they agree each other, now?
    12. How long have they been agree?

    • Felicitari pentru traduceri, Liliana! Foarte bine, doar un singur timp pe care nu l-ai vazut 🙂

      7 – avem “de mai mult de o saptamana”, deci “de x timp” => Present Perfect Continuous… teoretic, doar ca “be” nu poate fi pus la timp continuu, asa ca nu avem incotro si ne repezim la Present Perfect Simple 🙂
      12 – bun timpul, dar nu exista “be agree” 🙂 La 10 si 11 le-ai pus corect.

  6. 1.I’ve just writing an email.
    2.I always write emails at work.
    3.I’ve been written emails since I came.
    4.They have been discussing( talking) the issue for more than an hour.
    5.Usually they discuss issues at the meeting.
    6.They have been talking an important issue today.
    7.The autumn has been here for more than a week.
    8.The autumn is here now.
    9.The autumn is here every October.
    10.Do your managers never agree with each other?
    11.Do they agree with each other , now?
    12.Since when have they agreed

    • Felicitari, Alina, timpurile au fost bune, corectiile bune, avem cateva precizari:

      4 – daca pui “discuss”, nu pui prepozitie, daca pui “talk” zici si “about”
      6…talking ABOUT…
      12 – exista si “since when”=”de cand”, doar ca e folosit mai mult ca tragere la raspundere, iar daca intrebi informativ, la general, “de cat timp”, pui “how long”


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