Exercitii Present Simple / Present Continuous (avansati)

1. “What he (do)?”

2. “I (think) he (write) emails in his rooms.”

3. ” I (suppose) he (think) about moving with his girlfriend.”

4. “Really?? Now I (understand) why he (talk) to her every day.”

5. “Yes, they (discuss) all the details today.”

6. “Maybe he (move) next weekend.”

7. “You (think) he (be) happy?”

8. “He (be), but his friends (give) him a lot of contradictory advice these days.”

9. “Look, he (come)!”

10. “Hi, Bob, you (be) ok?”

15 thoughts on “Exercitii Present Simple / Present Continuous (avansati)”

  1. 1.What he is doing?
    2.I think he is writing emails in his room
    3.I suppose he is thinking about moving with his girlfriend.
    4.Really??Now I understand why he talks to her every day.
    5.Yes they are discussing all the details today.
    6.May be he is moving next weekend.
    7.You are thinking he is happy?
    8.He is but his friends are giving alot of contradictory advice these day.
    9.Look, he is coming!
    10.Hi, Bob you are ok?

  2. Uite primul curajos 🙂
    Incepusem sa scriu ca sa corectez, insa mi-a venit alta idee: Hai sa vedem daca altcineva are alte pareri! 🙂

    Deci, ce credeti? O fi bine… n-o fi bine…?!?

  3. 1. What is he doing?
    2. I think he is writing emails in his rooms.
    3. I suppose he is thinking about moving with his girlfriend.
    4. Really?? Now I understand why he talks to her every day.
    5. Yes, they discuss all the details today.
    6. Maybe he is moving next weekend.
    7. Do you think he is happy?
    8. He is, but his friends are giving him a lot of contradictory advice these days.
    9. Look, he is coming!
    10. Hi, Bob, are you ok?

    • Raspunsurile corecte:

      1. What is he doing?
      => Atentie la ordinea cuvintelor la interogativ! (What he is doing?)

      2. I think he is writing emails in his room

      3. I suppose he is thinking about moving with his girlfriend.

      4. Really??Now I understand why he talks to her every day.

      5. Yes, they are discussing all the details today.
      => astazi dicuta detaliile, deci este o actiune care se petrece in perioada vorbirii => Present Continuous

      6. Maybe he is moving next weekend.

      7. Do you think he is happy?
      => NU folosim Present Continuous pentru ca aici “think” este cu sensul “a crede”, care nu are voie la forma continua. Doar cand “think” e cu sensul “a se gandi” il putem pune la continuu, asa cum este la propozitia 3. Presupun ca se gandeste sa se mute cu prietena lui.

      8. He is, but his friends are giving him a lot of contradictory advice these days.

      9. Look, he is coming!

      10. Hi, Bob, are you ok?

  4. Hi Madalina.

    I used present simple in sentence 6 because I thought that “next weekend” isn’t “now” 🙁
    Also, in sentence 8 “these days” makes me think about an repetitive action 🙁

    Bye bye for now!

    • 🙂 Timpurile prezent se folosesc si pentru a exprima viitorul. Asa e si in romana. Pot sa spun “maine ma duc” sau “maine ma voi duce”, ba chiar e mai natural sa folosesc prezentul decat viitorul. In programul My English Patterns am explicat in amanunt toate situatiile de folosire ale timpurilor.

  5. La intrebarea 3,el se gandeste in acel moment,in timp ce scrie emailuri la mutarea sa?Nu este mai corect ca se gandeste in general la aceasta mutare?Acest verb think ne arata ca nu face nici o actiune.Se gandeste pur si simplu.Nu?
    Deci este presentul simplu sau continuu?

    • Nu, se gandeste in acel moment sau in acea perioada, oricum ai gandi tot Present Continuous avem.
      “think” are 2 sensuri: a se gandi si a crede. Cand e cu sens de “a crede” este considerat ca NU face nicio actiune si nu poate fi pus la un timp continuu, insa “a se gandi” este considerat actiune.

  6. Buna Madalina

    Te rog spune-mi de ce avem ”a lot of contradictory advice ”si nu ”advices”?Asa as fi fost tentata sa scriu daca traduceam din romana in engleza.

    Iti multumesc

    • “advice” este substantiv nenumarabil, ca atare nu accepta “-s” la plural.
      Mai sunt substantive de felul acesta, vezi in bara de sus la “teorie si explicatii” – pluralul substantivelor si apoi substantive nenumarabile.


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