
Tradu in engleza urmatoarele intrebari:

1. De cat timp lucreaza pentru aceeasi companie?

2. Ce fel de carti ai citit recent?

3. Ce faci, te uiti la televizor sau dormi?

4. A incercat cineva sa te ajute cu ocazia aceea?

5. Cand ai de gand sa exersezi mai mult?

6. Pe care dintre cartile mele ai vrea s-o citesti?

7. Te gandesti vreodata la viitorul tau?

8. Participase la un alt concurs inainte sa-l castige pe acela?

9. Pe cine ajutai in acel moment?

10. Cine lucra cu tine la proiect?

11. Ce se intamplase cu postul tau?

12. Erai acolo cand s-a intamplat?

13. Vor exista multe schimbari?

14. Ar trebui ca oamenii sa fie mai draguti unii cu altii?


Vezi traducerea corecta in videoclip:





14 thoughts on “Intrebari”

  1. 1. Since when he/she is working for the same company? Or since when he/she has been working for the same company?
    2. What kind of books have you read recently?
    3. What are you doing, are you watching on tv or are you sleeping?
    4. Has anyone helped you with that opportunity?
    5. When are you planning to practice more?
    6. Which of my books would you like to read it?
    7. Do you ever think of your future ?
    8. He / she had participated in other contest before he/she won that one .
    9. How you were helping at that time?
    10. How has worked with you on the project?
    11. What had happened to your job?
    12. Were you there when happened it?
    13. Will there be many changes?
    14. Should people be nicer to each other ?

    • Ce rapida ai fost 🙂

      1. Nu punem niciodata Present Continuous cu “de cand”.
      “since when” suna mai a tragere la raspundere 🙂 Folosim “how long” si punem ordine de interogativ, cu auxiliar dupa cuvantul interogativ (how long has he been working…)
      4. structura si timpul bune, …on that occasion
      5. folofim “going to future”
      8. atentie la ordinea de interogativ, deci auxiliar inainte de subiect!
      9. “who” si nu “how” pentru ca e vorba de “cine”, plus ca sa fim atenti la ordinea de interogativ, cu auxiliar inainte de subiect.
      10. avem imperfect, ca in propozitia anterioara, de ci folosim Past Continuous
      12….when it happened (schema de interogativ se aplica doar propozitiilor principale)

  2. 1. How long has he been working for same company?
    2.What kind of books have you read recently?
    3.What are you doing, you are watching TV or you are sleeping? ( aici nu sunt sigur daca dupa “what are you doing” am inversat bine “you” cu “are”)
    4.Did someone try to help you in that occasion?(m-ar fi tentat sa folosesc prezentul perfect deoarece nu este bine definita ocazia, dar data trecuta l-am folosit
    excesiv si acum nu sunt sigur..)
    5. When are you going to practice more ?
    6. Which one of my books do you want to read ?
    7.Are you ever thinking to your future ?
    8.Had he participated to another contest before he won that one?
    9.Who were you helping at that moment?
    10.Who worked with you on the project? (aceeasi chestie si aici cu prezentul perfect, ca mai sus)
    11.What had happened with your job?
    12. Were you there when happened ?
    13. Will there be many changes ?
    14.Should people be nicer each other ?

    • Bine, Sorin, felicitari pentru munca!

      3. Schema de interogativ se aplica propozitiilor principale din cadrul frazei, iar aici sunt toate trei principale, deci la toate avem auxiliar (are) + subiect (you) + verb-ing
      4. Past Simple, pentru ca ma refer la “ocazia aceea”, cumva este localizata in timp. Si “anyone” la interogativ.
      6. do you want = vrei?; “would you like = ai vrea?
      7. Present Simple pt ca e act. repetata!
      10. cand avem imperfect in romana de regula punem Past Continuous in engleza, deci la fel ca la 9 unde ai pus Past Continuous
      12. …IT happened, sa nu uitam de subiecte la fiecare verb

  3. 1.How long has he been working for the same company?
    2.What kind of books have you read recently?
    3.What are you doing, you are watching Tv or sleeping?
    4.Did anybody try to help you that time?
    5.When are you going to practice more?
    6.Which of my books would you read?
    7.Do you ever think about your future?
    8.Had he attended to another contest before he won that?
    9.Who did you help at that moment?
    10.Who was working with youat the project?
    11.What had happened with your position( job)?
    12.Werw you there when it happened?
    13.Will there be many changes?
    14.Should people be more kind with each other?

    • Felicitari, Alina, foarte bine din punct de vedere a ordinii cuvintelor in intrebari!!

      8. participate in a contest
      9. imperfect in romana este Past Continuous in engleza in cea mai mare parte

  4. Buna Madalina,

    1. How long has she been working for the same company?
    2.What kind of books have you read recently?
    3.What are you doing? Are you watching TV or are you sleeping?
    4.Did anyone try to help you on that occasion?
    5.When are you going to practice more?
    6.Which one of my books would you like to read ?
    7.Do you ever think about your future?
    8.Had he participated in another contest before he won that one?
    9.Who were you helping that moment/at that time?
    10.Who was working with you on that project?
    11.What had happened to your job?
    12.Were you there when it happened?
    13.Will there be a lot of changes/many changes?
    14.Should be people be nicer to one another?

    O seara frumoasa!

  5. 1. How long has he been working for the same company?
    2. What kind of books have you read recently ?
    3. What are doing, are you watching TV or sleeping?
    4. Did anybody try to help you on that occasion?
    5. When are you going to practice more?
    6. Which of my books would you like to read?
    7. Do you ever think about your future?
    8. Had he attended in another contest before he won that?
    9. Who were you helping, at that moment?
    10. Who was working with you on the project?
    11. What had happened to your post ?
    12. Were you there when it happened?
    13. Will there be many changes?
    14. Should people be nicer to each others?

    P.S. Thanks for the challenge, Madalina! 🙂


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